Who are we?

McDonnell English Services is a small company specialised in teaching English to adults. The company was set up in 1984 by Steven Hare and Kenny McDonnell in Vitoria-Gasteiz, initially offering classes to the general public and later expanding into on site courses with many of the most important businesses and public institutions in the province: Mercedes Benz España, Gamesa, Helados MIKO, URSSA, Gasnalsa, Saunier Duval, Mekifasa, Sarkis, Abrasivos Manhatan, Hofesa, Cegasa, Arthur Andersen, Pepsico, Tuboplast, Collins & Aikman, Ofita, SERT, Goimendi, Miguel Carrera, Guardian Llodio, Gobierno Vasco, Tribunal Vasco de Cuentas Públicas, Camara de Comercio de Alava, Diputación Foral de Alava, Osakidetza, AENA-Aeropuerto de Foronda and Fundación Leia among others.

We also offer our students back up material -DVDs, videos and reading books- as well as organizing a Quiz night every Wednesday in the Man in the Moon and an annual English Theatre night with the Moving On Theatre Company based in Madrid.
The aim of our blog is to offer our pupils, teachers and anyone else interested the opportunity to post their ideas, experiences and opinions onto this site, creating a simple up to date forum for friendly free speech in English.
So, what are you waiting for? Tell us about your holidays, experiences, opinions on anything or anybody, jokes, recipes, anything you like.


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